Monday, February 14, 2005

New Nu-Future Album

Well the Nu-Future album, Mantra, looks like being a success already. We've been selling them by the bag load. I thought we would have had to have made a huge effort and called everyone we know and then have to start looking outside of that circle. The odd thing is that, in fact, the circle seems to have its own mind and seems to be taking care of itself. More of a web than a circle perhaps.......... I've not really pulled my finger out on sales yet and yet Ive had a steady trickle of 3-10 new CD sales every week. If you add up all the CDs that all the band are selling that means we hitting around 15-30 a week which is really encouraging. Still some way to go to hit the targets we set ourselves to cover the cost of manufacture and production costs but generally it's all gravy. I devised this 'cottage industry' method of CD selling in order to get past the bullshit thats happening in the indstry at this point in time. The biggest challenge is that there are still younger people than me who dont see it. The other guys in the band are touch and go about whether to believe that the industry can save them or that it will drag them down with its sinking ship. The idea was to go totally punk - record at home (or least under our control) - set up our own label and then sell to all the places we are 'not supposed to'. ie. friends, family, people we know. All the places that 'credibilty' demands that we are to avoid in favour of the agreed routes. The trouble is, the very people who are 'demanding' this (and in fairness 'demand' is too strong a word) are the very people who benefit from that distribution network. Try telling that to people who are ten years younger than me and they act like Im out of the loop - why? because they are still investing their interest in the myth being the truth - cause they want to be 'saved' by the big advance and the big limo and the hair stylists! all crap (and also, more importantly, all crap that the artist actually pays for - and through the nose for! literally in many cases!) A&R? Arse and Elbow - cause they dont know one from the other! Why do we expect that some A&R man (and theres very few women allowed!) whos very career is based on the system created by the industry, should have any idea how to do it themselves. Especially when their nice house and their nice car and their nice home studio is being paid for by keeping in the employ of the industry. The Matrix has nothing on this baby! In fact blandness seems to be the calling of our time- we are all called to be bland and toe the party line - politically, morally, socially, recreationally, fashionally ( I made it up!) and mentally. Never has the Western (so called 'first world' hah!) been so bland........ Our young people are like robots, doped on skunk, high on pills and pacified by alcohol. The irony is that they (and the attendent High Priests of Cool - those too old to be considered young and therefore - once again - in fear of their very seat) have bought into (and thereby CREATED) a world where it is considered rebellian to wear designer labels, prance about in designer trainers, play designer games and listen to designer music. All look and no substance. The question is: how is it that large multi national conglomerates have so effectively created a feeling of rebellian from conformity? And how is it that those who know better have been scared into remaining silent? Collusion is always the greater part of oppression.